
Unit 4B Pond Farm
New Years Green Lane
United Kingdom
Tel 01895 633570
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm



AllMetalParts Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number  07025986

Vat Number: GB125251838


Concept and production:

This Web site was created using PrestaShop™ open-source software.


Business privacy policy

This privacy policy sets out how AllMetalParts uses and protects any information that you give AllMetalParts when you use this website.

AllMetalParts is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

Privacy Policy

Effective from: 25th May 2018


Our Privacy Policy explains what data we collect from you, when it is used, for what purpose, and explains how and when you may withdraw consent for any personal data to be stored or retained.

This document may change from time to time. In such cases we will post announcements on the website prior to it coming into effect. You may choose to decline our Privacy Policy by unregistering your account from All Metal Parts ltd.

All Metal Parts ltd complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU legislation, which is applicable to all EU citizens.

Furthermore, All Metal Parts ltd is committed to providing the same level of consumer protection to our overseas users, regardless of citizenship or country of residence.

What data does All Metal Parts ltd collect, and what are the legal bases for collecting it?

In order to sign up for a All Metal Parts ltd account, we first ask you to provide an email address.

Legal Basis: We use your email address to allow you to manage and secure your account, provide you with the ability to reset your password or regain access to your account, notify you of any security alerts relating to your account, to (optionally) provide you with email alerts when you have new All Metal Parts ltd messages, to (optionally) provide you with a order update infomation and to (optionally) notify you of any promotions or discounts being offered directly by All Metal Parts ltd.

On completing your All Metal Parts ltd profile, you are asked to provide various personal details about yourself.
This data includes your name, address, city, county or state, country, postcode, contact phone numbers, geographical location,

Legal Basis: It is necessary for the purpose of providing you with our delivery services for your orders.

All Metal Parts ltd collects technical data relating to the way you access All Metal Parts ltd, such as IP address, date and time you accessed the site, authorisation events such as login attempts, and device characteristics such as web browser and computer or mobile platform.

Legal Basis: It is necessary in order to provide support and troubleshooting services, abuse mitigation, monitor our online property for performance and security related incidents, to assist in improving our service, and in some cases to assist with law enforcement where applicable.

In cases where you submit an online order to All Metal Parts ltd via online card payment, we collect your name, address information, and card details.

Legal Basis: It is necessary in order to process your card payment. Name, address and card details are provided securely to our card processing partner. Our card processing partner is not a 'Data Controller' under the GDPR legislation, and do not have the freedom to decide how your data is used or to utilise it for other purposes. They are permitted to use it exclusively to fulfil your payment transaction and to fulfil their legal obligations.

In cases where you submit a bank transfer to All Metal Parts ltd, we collect the payee (payment reference) which appears on the transaction, which may or may not contain personal data.

Legal Basis: It is necessary in order to identify and process your transaction.

Who does All Metal Parts ltd share my personal data with?

All Metal Parts ltd does not share, trade or sell your account email address and any other personal data with any third party individual, business, or entity.

For personal data such as card payment information, we share your name, address and card details with our card payment processor, which is transmitted using industry standard encryption.


For delivery of your orders we share only your name,company name, address, phone number with the delivery company

All Metal Parts ltd uses Google Analytics (, to facilitate monitoring and reporting of overall traffic and trends of our online property.
In compliance with the GDPR legislation, we make use of Google Analytics 'IP Anonymization' feature, which ensures your full IP address is not provided to Google, nor can be viewed in Google Analytics reporting features. This data is removed after 26 months

Is my personal data transferred outside of the European Union?

Any account or personal data you provide to All Metal Parts ltd is submitted to, and stored on, our heart internet servers. At the time of writing the servers are hosted in Leeds UK and our computers in UXBRIDGE UB9 6LX


Data Retention

To remove your personal data from the site, you may unregister at any time from the My Account page, at which point your profile and any personal data will be immediately and permanently removed from the site.

There are however, some exceptions to this, in accordance with the GDPR legislation.

We retain orders placed details for up to seven years for abuse mitigation, and for cooperating with law enforcement, should it be required. We retain any relevant IP address or device data (for a period not exceeding 26 months).


In the event you submit a online card payment to All Metal Parts ltd, which is subsequently identified as fraudulent, subject to excessive chargebacks, or refund requests, we retain a one-way cryptographic fingerprint (hash) of your card identifier, for a period not exceeding 36 months.

For the purposes of fraud prevention and to allow All Metal Parts ltd to decline further financial transactions from you

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small file containing text and/or numerical information or identifier, which a website can deploy to your web browser, and can then be retrieved on subsequent visits. They are often used for authentication purposes, to record preferences, record that you have opted in or out to certain website features, and to improve your experience of the website.
For further information about cookies and how they are used, please see

All Metal Parts ltd utilises the following kinds of cookies...

Authentication Cookies:

We deploy 'First Party' cookies (ie, ones which can only be retrieved by All Metal Parts to establish you are authenticated with All Metal Parts ltd, and to track that you are logged in whilst browsing All Metal Parts ltd

Preference or Functionality Cookies:

We deploy preference first party cookies (ie, ones which can only be retrieved by in some cases, to record temporary preferences, such as a checkpoint on our Search feature,

Google Analytics:

All Metal Parts ltd makes use of Google Analytics for the purpose of monitoring device metrics and trends, monitoring traffic to facilitate capacity planning, to identify heavily used features, and to prioritise future development. Our use of Google Analytics adheres to the 'Anonymised IP' requirement, provided by Google Analytics, and in accordance with the GDPR legislation.

Google Adwords, and third party advertising networks:

All Metal Parts ltd does not currently make use of Google Adwords for onsite advertising, marketing or tracking purposes, nor do we deploy advertising provided by any third party advertising network. If this was to change in the future, we will amend our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, and notify you in advance, asking for your explicit consent.

Unintentional Disclosure

In the event of a site security breach, or software or hardware malfunction, which may have resulted in any of your personal data being unintentionally disclosed to third parties, All Metal Parts ltd is committed to notifying you within 7 days, from the time we become aware of any disclosure.

By using All Metal Parts ltd, you agree to abide by well established principles of online security to assist in keeping your account secure.

This includes using a unique and non-trivial password for All Metal Parts ltd, which is not shared by any other website or email account you own or access, to avoid accessing the site via any third party proxy servers or VPN services which have not been established to be secure, and to avoid entering any personal information or login details into a shared or public computer, or device, unless they have been established as secure.


How can I get more information, or make a privacy-related complaint?

Please contact All Metal Parts ltd from our Contact pages, providing full details.

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.


We will review your concern and endeavour to take action to address or rectify your issue, wherever possible.

If you are unhappy with our response regarding a privacy related issue, or to find out more about your rights, you may contact the Information Commissioners Office at


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